All our services start with a consultation, either in person or over video link. This allows us to establish the client's main expectations in undertaking the process and allows us to customize each edit.
We can discuss any specific objectives and goals, as well as raising problems such as limited storage space so we can devise bespoke solutions.
We offer a range of different edit packages:
The original SEE service is a full wardrobe clean and reorganization, focusing on displaying your wardrobe beautifully and functionally.
At SEE we work on the basic principle that you have to be able to see everything in your wardorbe in order to be able to utilize and enjoy it.
The SEE EDIT is a full overhaul, focusing on presenting all clothes and accessories in the most functional and beautiful way possible.
The ECO EDIT is a full wardrobe clean and reorganization which includes an edit of all items, which are appraised on their usefulness and environmental impact.
Using a methodical approach, we can establish what is to be kept, items for specialist cleaning or tailoring, and items that can be donated or rehomed.
We use environmentally friendly and sustainable products for storage, display and cleaning.
For this service we recommend the client is present for the initial stages of the process.
The stylist SEE service is a full wardrobe clean and reorganization, that culminates in a styling appointment with an internationally reknowned fashion director.​
We work with a porfolio of talented stylists, who will assist the client in selecting outfits for specific occasions, give advice about tailoring, suggest transitional additions and investment pieces, or help with a complete style overhaul.
For this service we recommend the client is present for the initial editing and final styling stages of the appointment.